Number Of Electrons In Neon
Original question: How many protons, neutrons and electrons does Neon have? That’s a picture of the periodic table. It contains all the known elements. So if you ever want a similar question answered about a different element, you could use this s. For the element of NEON, you already know that the atomic number tells you the number of electrons. That means there are 10 electrons in a neon atom. Looking at the picture, you can see there are two electrons in shell one and eight in shell two. Because shell two has eight electrons it is now full.
Number Of Electrons In Neon-22
By Prof. L. Kaliambos (Natural Philosopher in New Energy)
October 27, 2015
Neon is an atom of the chemical element neon with symbol Ne and atomic number 10. However unlike for hydrogen, aclosed-form solution to the Schrödinger equation for the many-electron atomslike the neon atom has not been found. So, various approximations, such asthe Hartree–Fock method, could be used to estimate the ground state energies.Under these difficulties I published my paper “ Spin-spininteractions of electrons and also of nucleons create atomic molecular and nuclear structures” (2008) by analyzing carefully the electromagnetic interactionsof two spinning electrons of opposite spin. Under this condition the correct electron configuration should be give by this image of Neon including the following electron configuration: 1s2.2s2.2px2.2py2.2pz2.
According to the “Ionization energies of the elements-WIKIPEDIA”the ionization energies (in eV) of the neon atom are the following: E1 =21.5646 , E2 = 40.96328 , E3 =63.45 , E4 = 97.12 , E5 = 126.21 ,E6 = 157.93, E7 = 207.2759 , E8 =239.0989 . E9 = 1195.8286 , and E10 =1362.1995. See also my papers about the explanation of ionization energies of theelements in my FUNDAMENTAL PHYSICS CONCEPTS based on my paper “ Spin-spininteractions of electrons and also of nucleons create atomic molecular andnuclear structures” published in Ind. J. Th. Phys. (2008).
For understanding the ionizationenergies E1, E2, E3 , E4 ,E5 , E6 , E7 and E8 which give theground state energies of (2s2.2px2.2py2.2pz2) you can see my “EXPLANATION OF NEON IONIZATIONS”.
In the same way for theexplanationof the E9 and E10 which give the ground state energyof the 1s2 electrons one must apply both the Bohr model and my formulaof my paper of 2008.
Asin the case of the helium the ionization energy E10 =1362.1995 eV = - E(1s1) is due to the one remainingelectron of 1s1 with n = 1. Thus we expect to calculate it byapplying the simple Bohr model for Z = 10 as
E10 = - (-13.6057 )Z2 /12 = - (-13.6057)10 2 /12 = 1360.57 eV.
Surprisinglyone sees here that after the ionizations the Bohr model gives the value of1360.57 eV which is smaller than the experimental value of E10 =1362.1995. Under this condition of ionizations I suggest that n = 1becomes n < 1 due to the fact that the ionizations reduce theelectron charges and now the nuclear charge is much greater than the electroncharge of the remaining electron. So we may write
E10 =1362.1995 eV = (13.6057) Z2/n2 = (13.6057)102/n2
Thensolving for n we get n = 0.9994.
Inthe same way for calculating the E9 = 1195.8286 eV wemust determine the simple quantum number n < 1 by applying myformula of 2008 as
E9 =1195.8286 eV = - E10 - E(1s2) = -1362.1995 - [(-27.21)102 +(16.95)10 - 4.1 ] / n2
Thensolving for n we get n = 0.9995.
Here0.9995 > 0.9994, because the second electron increase the electroncharge with respect to nuclear charge.
However in the absence of adetailed knowledge about the electromagnetic force between the two spinningelectrons of opposite spin physicist today using wrong theories cannot explainthe ground state energy of the electrons 1s2. For example underwrong theories based on qualitative approaches many physicists believeincorrectly that the second electron of the 1s2 shell is less tightlybound because it could be interpreted as a shielding effect; the other electronpartly shields the second electron from the full charge of the nucleus. Anotherwrong way to view the energy is to say that the repulsion of the electronscontributes a positive potential energy which partially offsets the negativepotential energy contributed by the attractive electric force of the nuclearcharge.
Under such false ideas Ipublished my paper of 2008 . You can see the paper in “User Kaliambos”.
Number Of Electrons In Neon
Historically, despite theenormous success of the Bohr model and the quantum mechanics of the Schrodingerequation based on the well-established laws of electromagnetism in explainingthe principal features of the hydrogen spectrum and of other one-electron atomicsystems, so far, under the abandonment of natural laws neither was able toprovide a satisfactory explanation of the two-electron atoms. In atomic physicsa two-electron atom is a quantum mechanical system consisting of one nucleuswith a charge Ze and just two electrons. This is the first case ofmany-electron systems. Capture one pro 8 download mac. The first few two-electron atoms are:
Z =1 : H- hydrogenanion. Z = 2 : He helium atom. Z = 3 : Li+ lithiumatom anion. Z = 4 : Be2+ Download microsoft word mac student. beryllium ion.
Prior to the development ofquantum mechanics, an atom with many electrons was portrayed like the solarsystem, with the electrons representing the planets circulating about thenuclear “sun”. In the solar system, the gravitational interaction betweenplanets is quite small compared with that between any planet and the verymassive sun; interplanetary interactions can, therefore, be treated as smallperturbations.
However, In the helium atomwith two electrons, the interaction energy between the two spinning electronsand between an electron and the nucleus are almost of the same magnitude, and aperturbation approach is inapplicable.
In 1925 the two young Dutchphysicists Uhlenbeck and Goudsmit discovered the electron spin according towhich the peripheral velocity of a spinning electron is greater than the speedof light. Since this discovery invalidates Einstein’s relativity it met muchopposition by physicists including Pauli. Under the influence of Einstein’sinvalid relativity physicists believed that in nature cannot exist velocitiesfaster than the speed of light.(See my FASTER THAN LIGHT).
So, great physicists likePauli, Heisenberg, and Dirac abandoned the natural laws of electromagnetism infavor of wrong theories including qualitative approaches under an idea ofsymmetry properties between the two electrons of opposite spin which lead tomany complications. Thus, in the “Helium atom-Wikipedia” one reads: “Unlike for hydrogen aclosed form solution to the Schrodinger equation for the helium atom has notbeen found. However various approximations such as the Hartree-Fock method ,canbe used to estimate the ground state energy and wave function of atoms”.
It is of interest to notethat in 1993 in Olympia of Greece I presented at the international conference“Frontiers of fundamental physics” my paper “Impact of Maxwell’s equation of displacement current on electromagnetic laws and comparison of the Maxwellian waves with our model of dipolic particles '. The conference was organized by the natural philosophers M. Barone and F.Selleri , who awarded me an award including a disc of the atomic philosopher Democritus, since in that paper I showed that LAWS AND EXPERIMENTS INVALIDATE FIELDS AND RELATIVITY .At the same period I tried to find not only the nuclear force and structurebut also the coupling of two electrons under the application of the abandonedelectromagnetic laws. For example in the photoelectric effect the absorption oflight contributed not only to the increase of the electron energy but also tothe increase of the electron mass, because the particles of light have mass m =hν/c2. (See my paper 'DISCOVERY OF PHOTON MASS' ).
However the electron spinwhich gives a peripheral velocity greater than the speed of light cannot beaffected by the photon absorption. Thus after 10 years I published my paper 'Nuclear structure.electromagnetism' (2003), in which I showed not onlymy DISCOVERY OF NUCLEAR FORCE AND STRUCTURE but also that theperipheral velocity (u >> c) of two spinning electrons with opposite spingives an attractive magnetic force (Fm) stronger than the electricrepulsion (Fe) when the two electrons of mass m and charge (-e) areat a very short separation (r < 578.8 /1015 m). Because ofthe antiparallel spin along the radial direction the interaction of theelectron charges gives an electromagnetic force
Fem = Fe - Fm .
Therefore in my researchthe integration for calculating the mutual Fem led to thefollowing relation:
Fem = Fe - Fm = Ke2/r2 - (Ke2/r4)(9h2/16π2m2c2)
Of course for Fe =Fm one gets the equilibrium separation ro =3h/4πmc = 578.8/1015 m.
Number Of Paired Electrons In Neon
That is, for aninterelectron separation r < 578.8/1015 m the two electronsof opposite spin exert an attractive electromagnetic force, because theattractive Fm is stronger than the repulsive Fe . Here Fm is a spin-dependent force of short range. As aconsequence this situation provides the physical basis for understanding thepairing of two electrons described qualitatively by the Pauli principle, whichcannot be applied in the simplest case of the deuteron in nuclear physics,because the binding energy between the two spinning nucleons occurs when thespin is not opposite (S=0) but parallel (S=1). According to the experiments inthe case of two electrons with antiparallel spin the presence of a very strongexternal magnetic field gives parallel spin (S=1) with electric andmagnetic repulsions given by
Fem = Fe + Fm
So, according to thewell-established laws of electromagnetism after a detailed analysis of paired electrons in two-electron atoms I concluded that at r < 578.8/1015 m a motional EMF produces vibrationsof paired electrons.
Unfortunately today manyphysicists in the absence of a detailed knowledge believe that the twoelectrons of two-electron atoms under the Coulomb repulsion between theelectrons move not together as one particle but as separated particlespossessing the two opposite points of the diameter of the orbit aroundthe nucleus. In fact, the two electrons of opposite spin behave like oneparticle circulating about the nucleus under the rules of quantum mechanicsforming two-electron orbitals in helium, beryllium etc. In my paper of 2008, I showed that the positive vibration energy (Ev) described in eV dependson the Ze charge of nucleus as
Ev = 16.95Z -4.1
Of course in the absence ofsuch a vibration energy Ev it is well-known that the ground state energyE described in eV for two orbiting electrons could be given by the Bohr modelas Download adobe illustrator mac free full version.
E = (-27.21) Z2.
So the combination of theenergies of the Bohr model and the vibration energies due to the opposite spinof two electrons led to my discovery of the ground state energy of two-electronatoms given by
-E = (-27.21) Z2 +(16.95 )Z - 4.1
For example the laboratorymeasurement of the ionization energy of H- yields an energy ofthe ground state -E = - 14.35 eV. In this case since Z = 1 weget
Number Of Electrons In Neon Atom
-E = -27.21 +16.95 - 4.1 = -14.35 eV. In the same way writing for the helium Z =2 we get
-E = - 108.8 + 32.9 - 4.1 =-79.0 eV
The discovery of thissimple formula based on the well-established laws of electromagnetism was thefirst fundamental equation for understanding the energies of many-electronatoms, while various theories based on qualitative symmetry properties lead tocomplications.