Duplicacy comes with a newly designed web-based GUI that is not only artistically appealing but also functionally powerful. With just a few clicks, you can effortlessly set up backup, copy, check, and prune jobs that will reliably protect your data while making the most efficient use of your storage space. Download microsoft office free student mac. Duplicacy 1.4.2 ( 2021/02/09 ) Features - Incremental Backup: Backs up only the data that has changed since the last backup - Full Snapshot: While each backup is incremental, it behaves like a full backup for easy restore and deletion.
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In this article, we will learn about Stack & Queue structures in Python 3.x. Or earlier. Here we will discuss the working and modification within these data structures −
This includes −
- Insertion operation (Push, Enqueue)
- Deletion operation (Pop, Dequeue)
- Display / Traversing Operation
Prerequisites: List & List Operations
Related Data Structure: List Manipulation
Related Images
In stacks, objects are stored one over another, and these objects get removed in the reverse order of the arrival i.e. LIFO concept is followed. LIFO means Last in First Out type arrangement is followed in the Stack data structure.
Operations on a Stack −
- Addition / Appending of Element: This increases the stack size by the number of items added and Addition takes place at the upper end i.e. at the top of the stack.
- Deletion / Removal of Element − This involves two conditions − If the Stack is empty no element is available for deletion i.e. Underflow occurs in the Stack or If the Stack has certain elements present in it then the element present at the top gets removed. This reduces the size of the stack by the number of elements removed.
- Traversing /Displaying − This involves visiting each element of the stack and displaying on the screen.
We can also insert an additional functionality of peek i.e. Retrieving the value at the top of the Stack.
Characteristics of Stack
- Insertion order is preserved.
- Duplicacy is allowed in Stack.
- Similar name='vu' value='>
My preferred remote backup solution is Duplicacy. Every night, I have Duplicacy backup data from my local NAS to Backblaze B2. In this post, I’ll explain how I have Duplicacy run nightly via Docker.
This is my fourth post documenting containers I use at home. You can also read about how I run the Unifi controller, how I run Plex, and how I update DuckDNS.
About Duplicacy
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Duplicacy describes itself as “a new generation cross-platform cloud backup tool.” I like it because it performs incremental backups on a regular basis. Configuration is not difficult, and the Duplicacy Web interface works well enough to get the job done.
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Duplicacy Web Configuration
I tend to use docker-compose
to build and run my images and containers. Here are the contents of the docker-compose.yml
for this project:
Let’s step through some of the interesting bits here, much of which is derived from the instructions in the saspus/duplicacy-web image’s README file.
My personal preference is to lock images down to a specific version, if at all feasible. This way I won’t be surprised when, say, a new version of an image requires or breaks the current configuration. The author of this image (saspus) has done a great job providing versioned images over time. The next time I need to update this image, it’ll be easy to see what I’m coming from, where I’m going, and what the changes are.
Hostname is the key used by Duplicacy’s Personal license. This is how we configure it while running the image.
Here I set the user and group IDs for the local user I want backing up the data. (I have the comment there so that, when I look at this file again three months later, I can remember why I have some hardcoded numbers typed into the file.) I also set the timezone so that timestamps are obvious to me.
Note that, although the above variables are named slightly differently, they follow the tried-and-true approach from LinuxServer.io that I appreciatesomuch.
Volume Mapping
Duplicacy Unraid
There are two sets of volumes here. The first set of volumes are data directories for Duplicacy. The second are the data directories I want backed up. The data directories are set with read-only access, which further boosts my confidence that the data itself can’t get mangled by an error of some sorts.
Duplicacy Cli
That’s about it. saspus has done a wonderful job of making the image itself pretty straightforward to run. I hope this post helps spread knowledge of their good work!